Katrina Wade, MD

  • Sr Physician, Baptist Region
  • 2700 Napoleon Ave, New Orleans, LA, 70115
For additional information or to make an appointment, click here.


  • Dr. Katrina Wade's area of clinical expertise is gynecologic cancers, including cervical, uterine, vulvar and ovarian cancer, as well as gestational trophoblastic disease. Dr. Wade is a highly skilled surgeon with expertise in laparoscopic and robotic surgery for gynecologic tumors. Dr. Wade has been recognized for her research pertaining to the field of gynecologic oncology and is widely published in peer-reviewed medical journals. She also serves as the principal investigator for gynecologic cancer clinical trials at Ochsner. Dr. Wade strongly believes in a multidisciplinary team approach to gynecologic cancer care. She seeks to provide women with the most advanced and personalized treatment plans while best preserving quality of life. She enjoys working with community providers so that patients are comforted by receiving care close to home.

Selected publications


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