Laboratory Investigation Journal
Publication venue for
- Metabolomic Features of Human Prostate Cancers that are Visible or Invisible by Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 103:S817-S818. 2023
- Validation of Metallothionein Immunohistochemistry as a Highly Sensitive Screen for Wilson Disease. 103:S1413-S1414. 2023
- Risk of Malignancy in Pancreatobiliary Cytology Categories Based on Guidelines from Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology. 100:328-329. 2020
- Clinician Driven GI Biopsy Case Routing: Using Social Media Constructs to Modify the Specialization Model and Deliver Quality Care in the "Volume To Value" Era of Medicine. 99. 2019
- Significance of Tumor Budding in Cholangiocarcinoma. 99. 2019
- Adrenal Schwannomas: A Clinicopathologic Study with Identification of a Peculiar Hybrid Schwannian/Neuroendocrine Adrenal Medullary Tumor. 97:22A-22A. 2017
- Dendritic Cells in Renal Allografts. 96:406A-406A. 2016
- Endothelial Activation and Lymphangiogenesis in Humoral Rejection of Kidney Transplants. 95:408A-409A. 2015
- Phaeohyphomycosis Infections in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients - The Largest Single Institution Experience. 89:294A-294A. 2009
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0023-6837