Gould, K. Lance; Johnson, Nils P.; Bateman, Timothy M.; Beanlands, Rob S.; Bengel, Frank M.; Bober, Robert; Camici, Paolo G.; Cerqueira, Manuel D.; Chow, Benjamin J. W.; Di Carli, Marcelo F.; Dorbala, Sharmila; Gewirtz, Henry; Gropler, Robert J.; Kaufmann, Philipp A.; Knaapen, Paul; Knuuti, Juhani; Merhige, Michael E.; Rentrop, K. Peter; Ruddy, Terrence D.; Schelbert, Heinrich R.; Schindler, Thomas H.; Schwaiger, Markus; Sdringola, Stefano; Vitarello, John; Williams, Kim A.; Gordon, Donald; Dilsizian, Vasken; Narula, Jagat
Angiographic severity of coronary artery stenosis has historically been the primary guide to revascularization or medical management of coronary artery disease. However, physiologic severity defined by coronary pressure and/ or flow has resurged into clinical prominence as a potential, fundamental change from anatomically to physiologically guided management. This review addresses clinical coronary physiology-pressure and flowd-as clinical tools for treating patients. We clarify the basic concepts that hold true for whatever technology measures coronary physiology directly and reliably, here focusing on positron emission tomography and its interplay with intracoronary measurements.