Kaiser, Andreas M.; Orangio, Guy R.; Zutshi, Massarat; Alva, Suraj; Hull, Tracy L.; Marcello, Peter W.; Margolin, David A.; Rafferty, Janice F.; Buie, W. Donald; Wexner, Steven D.
Fecal incontinence is a frequent and debilitating condition that may result from a multitude of different causes. Treatment is often challenging and needs to be individualized. During the last several years, new technologies have been developed, and others are emerging from clinical trials to commercialization. Although their specific roles in the management of fecal incontinence have not yet been completely defined, surgeons have access to them and patients may request them. The purpose of this project is to put into perspective, for both the patient and the practitioner, the relative positions of new and emerging technologies in order to propose a treatment algorithm.